These unexpectedly are the Sun Moon Divine Hall people, moreover as if Ye Xinghan personally sends! 这些竟然是日月神宫的人,而且似乎还是夜星寒亲自派来! What's the matter? Why will Sun Moon Divine Hall make the human attack Frozen Cloud Asgard? Sun Moon Divine Hall and Frozen Cloud Asgard this clearly is two world two plane/level, does not have ‚junction’ existence of collection to be right! 怎么回事?日月神宫为什么会让人攻击冰云仙宫?日月神宫和冰云仙宫这分明是两个世界两个层面,毫无‘交’集的存在才对! Teasing and pitying of Ye Qingsheng face: „Saved a life to come back with great difficulty, unexpectedly anxiously was bringing death.” 夜青盛一脸的戏虐和怜悯:“好不容易捡了条命回来,居然又急着来送死。” His eyebrow sinks, waves: „Takes to me this boy! Under the too heavy hand have not killed, how should make him die, Young Master is certainly interested!” 他眼眉一沉,一挥手:“将这小子给我拿下!可别下太重手打死了,该怎么让他死,少主一定更感兴趣!” His voice falls, a behind Men in Black runs out like lightning, one grasps to the Yun Che ten people, only dispatched this person. Their ten people, Profound Strength cultivation to lowly is also Emperor Profound Realm Eight Level, copes with trivial Emperor Profound Realm Third Level, a person is easy. 他声音一落,身后一个黑衣人闪电般冲出,一把抓向云澈十个人,也只出动了这一个人。他们十人,玄力修为最低的也是王玄境八级,对付一个区区王玄境三级,一个人都是手到擒来。 „Yun Che is careful!” Murong Qianxue and Chu Yueli startled to yell, simultaneously rapidly works on the ice sword with one voice, wants forward and Yun Che resists together. They may by oneself ask for advice the strengths of these people. Although the following ten Men in Black accompany, but each, must exceed in them any person. “云澈小心!”慕容千雪和楚月璃齐声惊喊道,同时迅速抓起冰剑,想要向前和云澈一起抵挡。她们可都是亲身领教过这些人的实力。后面的十个黑衣人虽只是随从,但每一个,都要胜过她们之中的任何一个人。 Facing throws suddenly, releases the formidable Profound Strength aura Men in Black, face that Yun Che ‚cloudy’ sinks ‚color’ is not changing, the under foot is entirely still, only has the palm, superficial wields. 面对骤然扑来,释放着强大玄力气场的黑衣人,云澈‘阴’沉的脸‘色’毫无变化,脚下更是纹丝不动,唯有手掌,轻描淡写的一挥。 Bang!!! 轰!!! Like startling thunderclap thundering crack, in this bang vanishes from the Men in Black who the Yun Che three zhang (3.33 m) were also apart from the midair suddenly unexpectedly instantaneously, appeared in the Shek Pik outside rear hundred feet, then the ball fell maliciously, weak in place, whole body cruentation, motionless, such as was hit faded the mole cricket. 一声如惊雷般的轰鸣忽然炸响,距离云澈还有三丈之距的黑衣人在这声巨响中竟是瞬间消失在了半空,出现在了后方十丈之外的石壁上,然后狠狠弹落,瘫软在地,全身染血,一动不动,就如一条被打蔫了的土狗。 The entire underground space, had the flash trembles fiercely ‚’. 整个地下空间,都有了一刹那的剧烈颤‘荡’。 Frozen End Divine Hall instantaneously becomes a deathly stillness, Ye Qingsheng Ye Ziyi also had Frozen Cloud Asgard all people startled completely there that Men in Black is Ninth Level Throne, even if were Frozen Cloud Seven Fairies, was unapproachable. When he fires into Yun Che the Profound Strength pressure that releases is tyrannical, do not say Emperor Profound Realm Third Level, is Emperor Profound Realm Fifth Level, will be taken in an instant. 冰夷神殿瞬间变得一片死寂,夜青盛夜紫义还有冰云仙宫的所有人全部怔在了那里那个黑衣人是一个九级的王座,纵然是冰云七仙,也无人可匹敌。他冲向云澈时所释放的玄力威压强横无比,不要说王玄境三级,就是王玄境五级,也会被转眼间拿下。 But Yun Che has flung the hand back merely!!