Yun Che takes up, looked at the compounded drug that is quenchinged by Sky Poison Pearl at will, is the perfect qualities, only the luster and aura, are blue that the palace brings forth to leave more than one scale compared with Bao purely, its drug efficacy, temperate of efficacy, must surpass by far. 云澈拿起其中一枚,随意看了看由天毒珠淬炼出的丹药,都是完美的成色,单是色泽和气息,就比宝青王府练出的那一颗纯粹出不止一个档次,其药效,还有药力的温和度,更是要远远的超过。 Material that even consumes, merely is one-fourth that the Bao blue palace uses. After all, the refinement method of average man, avoidless follows the massive efficacy outflows. But quenchinging of Sky Poison Pearl, the least bit efficacy will not drain. 甚至所耗的材料,都仅仅是宝青王府所用的1而已。毕竟,常人的炼制方法,无法避免的会伴随着大量的药力流失。而天毒珠的淬炼,半点药力都不会流失。 Yun Che holds these Tyrant Emperor pill, low thought aloud: „How this may make others live” 云澈将这些霸皇丹捧起,低低的自言自语道:“这可让别人怎么活啊” „Too rampant good, do not build up several hundred first casually.” “还是不要太嚣张的好,先随便炼个几百颗吧。” Yun Che treats in the medicine pavilion is a afternoon, initially falls until the curtain of night, has not come out. 云澈在药阁中一待就是一个下午,直到夜幕初降,都没有出来。 A space distortion in Yun Qinghong garden, the Little Demon Empress form reappears slowly. Saw that Little Demon Empress arrives suddenly, Mr. and Mrs. Yun Qinghong also forwards: „Pays a visit Little Demon Empress.” 云轻鸿庭院之中的空间一阵扭曲,小妖后的身影缓缓浮现。看到小妖后忽然到来,云轻鸿夫妇同时向前:“拜见小妖后。” „The Yun Family host has the wound in body, does not need to be overly courteous.” Little Demon Empress lifts the hand lightly, an irresistible strength has stopped Yun Qinghong and Mu Yurou bow immediately does obeisance: „After this, this comes, only to visit the Yun Family main injury, looks at the Yun Family main facial color, still permissible that as if restores.” “云家主有伤在身,不必多礼。”小妖后轻一抬手,一股不可抗拒的力量顿时止住了云轻鸿和慕雨柔的躬拜:“本后此来,只为探望云家主伤势,看云家主的面色,似乎恢复的尚可。” Yun Qinghong cups one hand in the other across the chest saying: „The graciousness of Little Demon Empress concern, Yun grateful in heart. The Che Er medical skill is uncommon, Yun's wound has not been affected much. And said according to Che Er, three months later, then to recover completely.” 云轻鸿拱手道:“小妖后关怀之恩,云某感激在心。澈儿医术不凡,云某的伤已无大碍。且依澈儿所言,三个月之后,便可痊愈。” „to recover completely?” On the face of Little Demon Empress flashes through being astonished color that flickers, nods slowly: „That is really good. So looks like, the Yun Family host should the unobstructive five future grand ceremony.” “痊愈?”小妖后的脸上闪过一瞬的讶色,随之缓缓点头:“那真是再好不过。如此看来,云家主应该无碍五日后的大典。” Yun Qinghong not hesitant road: „Little Demon Empress felt relieved that five future grand ceremony, our couples decide will not absent.” 云轻鸿毫无犹豫的道:“小妖后放心,五日后的大典,我们夫妇定不会缺席。” „Um.” Little Demon Empress nods gently, then the side glances at the light, light road: „Can Yun Che in home?” “嗯。”小妖后轻轻点头,然后侧过目光,淡淡的道:“云澈可在家中?” Yun Qinghong said: „When just six elders arrived, once mentioned sees Che Er to enter the medicine pavilion, now perhaps also in medicine pavilion. I make the human shout that immediately he comes out.” 云轻鸿道:“刚刚六长老到来时,曾说起看到澈儿进入了药阁,现在或许还在药阁之中。我马上让人喊他出来。” „Does not need.” Little Demon Empress lifts the hand: „He is used as medicine the pavilion, decides lets the efficacious medicine that the Yun Family host is better to restore for mixing, after this, then does not disturb.” “不必了。”小妖后一抬手:“他入药阁,定是为了调配让云家主更好恢复的灵药,本后便不打扰了。” When the sound falls, the Little Demon Empress surrounding space twists immediately, completely vanished there. 声音落下时,小妖后周围的空间顿时扭曲,随之完全消失在了那里。 „Little Demon Empress asked Che Er specially, it seems like, she also extremely regards as important to Che Er.” Mu Yurou said with a smile. “小妖后专门问起了澈儿,看来,她对澈儿也是极为看重呢。”慕雨柔笑着说道。 „Ha-ha, that is natural. After all during that four months, Che Er shares hardships with Little Demon Empress perhaps, Che Er has rescued Little Demon Empress.” Yun Qinghong smiles slightly, but the eye pupil deep place actually flashes through doubts. Because of Little Demon Empress final turning around, always makes him have one type feeling that in the avoidance vision moves but in him and Little Demon Empress these many years contacts, Little Demon Empress may always on own initiative not avoid the vision. “呵呵,那是自然。毕竟那四个月间,澈儿可是与小妖后共患难啊说不定,还是澈儿救了小妖后。”云轻鸿微微而笑,不过眼眸深处却是闪过一丝疑惑。因为小妖后最后的转身,总让他有一种在躲避目光碰触的感觉但在他和小妖后这么多年的接触中,小妖后可从来都不会主动避开目光。 Should be only the illusion? Do want? 应该只是错觉?或者自己想多了? Yun Family medicine pavilion, third. 云家药阁,第三层。 Yun Che still sits cross-legged there, after previous time takes the efficacious medicine and profound jade, he sat the less than half double-hour. At this time, in his hand is taking light red compounded drug, the compounded drug gloss is gloomy, but releases one type is very being special aura, Yun Che both eyes silently visits it, does not know that is thinking anything. 云澈依然盘坐在那里,自上一次重新取灵药和玄玉后,他已经坐了小半个时辰。此时,他的手中拿着一颗淡红色的丹药,丹药光泽暗淡,但释放着一种很是特别的气息,云澈双目默默的看着它,不知在想些什么。 In his mind, resounds the Jasmine sound suddenly: „Has a look at your behind.” 他的脑海中,忽然响起茉莉的声音:“看看你的身后。” Yun Che stares, then turning round like lightning in his be