2. Discuss why a DMS transforms the way a business operates.
How should SSC prepare for a DMS if it decides to implement one?
3. Collect estimates for the costs of buying or implementing a DMS at SSC.
4. Using the data collected by Sam, create a spreadsheet that calculates the costs of handling paper at SSC based on hourly rates per employee of $16, $22, and $28. Add the cost of lost documents to this. Then, add the costs of warehousing the paper, which increases by 10% every month due to increases in volume. Present the results, showing both monthly totals and a yearly total. Prepare graphs as visualization tools so that Sam can easily perceive the projected growth in warehousing costs over the next three years. Download the spreadsheet to help you get started from the textbook’s Web site.
5. Identify at least one additional cost factor (other than better security) that might be reduced or eliminated with the DMS
6. How can DMS also serve as a disaster recovery system in case of fire, flood, or break-in?
7. Submit your recommendation for a DMS solution. Identify two vendors in your recommendation.
2. Ngrembugake kok GMS bentuk cara kanggo bisnis operasi. Carane ngirim SSC nyiapake kanggo GMS yen nemtokaken kanggo ngleksanakake siji? 3. Nglumpukake Prakiraan kanggo biaya saka ngleksanakke Tuku emas GMS ing SSC. 4. Nggunakake data sing diklumpukake dening Sam, nggawe spreadsheet Sing diwilang biaya saka nangani kertas ing SSC adhedhasar tarif saben jam saben pegawe saka $ 16 $ 22 lan $ 28. Tambah ing biaya saka dokumen ilang iki. Banjur, nambah biaya saka Fosfat kertas, hukum, lan Increaser dening 10% saben sasi amarga Increaser ing volume. Pasrahna asil, nuduhake loro total saben wulan lan total tahunan. Siapke gambar minangka pribadi gambaran Swara Sing Bisa Gampang Sam ndelok wutah digambaraken ing biaya warehousing liwat telung taun sabanjuré. Download spreadsheet kanggo miwiti saka situs Web buku iku. 5. Ngenali ing paling sethithik sak biaya faktor tambahan (liyane saka luwih keamanan) Sing Bisa Ati Suda utawa ngilangi karo GMS . 6. Carane GMS bisa uga ngawula minangka sistem Recovery bilai ing cilik saka geni, banjir, utawa break-in? 7. Kirim rujukan kanggo solusi GMS. Ngenali loro vendor ing rujukan Panjenengan.
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